What is Deforestation


What is Deforestation?

By: Red Solidum

Deforestation is a worldwide issue, it is the cutting down of trees—particularly ancient forests with delicate ecosystems—from the Earth’s surface to make room for something else. Deforestation, which accounts for about 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions, is currently the leading cause of global warming. Billions of trees are cut down each year to make way for development, agriculture, and logging. Thousands of trees continue to fall every day.

Photo by:  Justus Menke

Deforestation Has Drastic Effects On Biodiversity. Millions of plants and animals are threatened with extinction every year as rainforests are destroyed. More famines, storms, and floods, which kill tens of thousands of people and put our most endangered species at jeopardy.

Photo by: Luoman

Deforestation is a huge contributor tp Climate Change. These forests are the foundation of our planet. They collect carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere and act as our lungs for the air we breathe. We have ecosystems that clean our air and water, maintain biodiversity, prevent desertification and ensure that our food chain is healthy. We are losing our capacity for these wonders at a faster rate than ever before as the Earth warms.

Deforestation is not just the destruction of trees. Every person's chance of surviving is being jeopardized, as well as our planet's.


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